Introducing the Raphael, a cigar as elegantly composed as the masterpieces of its namesake, Raphael Sanzio. Inspired by the “Sistine Madonna,” this Robusto Extra, measuring 6 inches with a 50-ring gauge, embodies the grandeur of the fourth day of creation—the day God adorned the heavens with the sun, moon, and stars. The Raphael cigar captures this celestial theme with its radiant appearance and complex flavor profile.
This cigar features a coppery, toothy wrapper that not only enhances its visual appeal but also hints at the robust flavors hidden beneath. The solidly-rolled Toro construction ensures a firm draw, making each puff an exercise in controlled and deliberate enjoyment. The Raphael cigar, much like the paintings of its illustrious namesake, is a creation that invites admiration and contemplation.